Saturday, September 17, 2016

End of Summer

Since I'm not a hot weather person, I have a lot to love about the end of summer.  I love when the weather starts to cool off at night and even when the temperature is in the 80's, you can feel that slight chill to the air.  Love it.  

I also love end of the summer watermelon!  YUM!  It's hard to find these big daddy seeded watermelons any more since the trend it to the smaller seedless variety but OH MY these are the best!  Sweet, sweet, sweet!  Nothing better!  This baby weighed about 30 lbs picked up from a farm market on the way home from the barn one afternoon.  Along with some incredibly awesome beefsteak tomatoes.  BLT's for dinner with watermelon dessert.  Heaven.

I picked up this purple/pink mum at Costco and then we brought home the yellow one from a baby shower.  They add so much color to this north side of the house by the front porch. Just in time since my bright orange zinnia's are fading pretty fast.

1 comment:

OnTheBit said...

That sounds delicious!