Friday, July 29, 2016

So I remember....

1 comment:

OnTheBit said...

I love them all, and I have a feeling you need to hear many of those much more often than you are used to. I had a feeling that with the new house move things were changing in your life and have been meaning to send a virtual hug your way. Below are 5 things you need to hear, or hear again because they similar to things that are above.

1) You are smarter than you think you are.
2) No one knows how good life can be until they overcome something they didn't think that they could.
3) Anything can happen in life, the trick is to learn from the bad and make time to enjoy the good.
4) You don't even realize how many people are out in the world willing you to succeed but are too shy to say it.
5) You are amazing, and because you are you, you don't even realize just how amazing you are.