Monday, July 16, 2018

Unwinding the Coil

Undwinding the coil wasn't easy.  The doctor had given me a prescription for Lexapro.  A medication for anxiety.  I hated it.  I tried taking it in the morning.  Then at night.  I increased the dose.  I stopped taking it. I felt better.  That first week consisted of me trying way too hard to relax and visiting Austin in the hospital.

Mom and Dad went with me and Madison the second time.  I purposely sat Mom with her back to most of the room but it was too loud for Dad's poor hearing and too distracting for mom.  She was very nervous and it wasn't a good environment for her. We stopped for Culver's ice cream on the way home.

I brought Austin home on the Monday before July 4th.  After picking up his car and most of his belongings from his girlfriend, I brought him home.  We were going to re-bond and work on helping him better prepare to go back out into the world.  While he spent time with his Dad on Tuesday and Wednesday, I went to work on me.

I spent time with Mata Hari.

I went to Kensington to hike the nature trails.

I walked the Milford Trail.

I walked the mountain bike trails.

 I watched my pony sleep in the cross ties.

I stared into her soul.

I sat on the beach at Kensington eating a sandwich, reading a book, and listening to children play.

I looked at the sunset from between my horses ears.

I started to feel me come back and feel better.

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