Friday, December 2, 2011

Trip to Detroit

Motocross Boy/Man has been asking to see my office since I moved to Detroit.  He's been in most of my other offices including Lansing but never Detroit.  Actually, he hasn't ever spent much time in Detroit except for going to a few Red Wings games and Ford Field for an indoor motocross event.  But the day after Thanksgiving, we made the trip.  It was an unusually warm, sunny day and perfect walking around the city.  As we drove under Cobo Hall coming in on the Lodge x-way, he was getting very excited.  When he got out of the truck, he practically ran towards the building he was so excited!  We had to do it right too.  We had to walk around and come in through the FRONT doors, not through the back like I usually do.

After we visited my office we went into the center of the RenCen where GM has a show room of their cars.  This is the one Motocross Boy/Man wants - a red Camero.

Later we had lunch in the atrium of the RenCen.  This is looking up through the glass ceiling at the buildings.

After lunch we took the People Mover train around the city and got out at Campus Martius to see the Christmas tree and ice skaters.  We also took a cruise through a tent that had set up with vendors and Motocross Boy/Man bought his sister a Christmas present.  With my money.

Walking back to the RenCen, we saw this Santa making a drug deal.  LOL!  Actually, he had just been cutting a pretty good rug a few moments before this and I have no idea what he was doing with the other two guys.

I guess the 3.5 miles we walked around the buildings and through the city wore the kid out - he wasn't in the truck more than a few minutes to drive home and he was sound asleep.

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