Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2011 Spur Horse Show Awards Banquet

Equestrian Girl and I really like our open show series - especially me since I get to ride at these shows!  And we usually do pretty good and get some nice awards.

The anti-gravity chairs were a big hit - you can't really see the spur logo on the pillows.

This was the door prize table - lots of good stuff!

More awards.

The plaques in the back were hand painted and have dry erase boards at the bottom.

Stella was a great president this year and made things run so smooth!

The walk trot girls cleaned up!

So did I - the adult walk trot champion.  Those are spur straps and a sleazy for Stanley.

Equestrian Girl got a hand painted wooden tray.

Webers Inn - the hotel where we have the banquet remodeled this room - it looked really nice.

Equestrian Girl and her friend Connor's Girl.

 Some of our loot after we got home.

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