Sunday, April 21, 2013

And Show Season Practice Begins

And this is what Stanley thinks about it:

Actually, I don't think he minded much at all getting back into the swing of things.  Most of the winter he's been working hard with Equestrian Girl on their dressage so he's stayed in excellent shape.  When the vet was out for spring shots last week, he gave him high marks for looking to be in great shape coming out of a relatively hard winter.  

This year's open shows are going to be decidedly different since EG isn't showing in her age bracket classes. She's only doing the Sweepstakes and Open classes - meaning she will be competing against adults as well as any kids that enter those classes.  It's only a couple less classes but no pattern classes at all (well, unless you count showmanship).  I won't be able to show at all this year, or at least I don't think I will.  As of right now, I'm scheduled for hip surgery in mid-May.  I can't ride right now, it hurts too much, and for sure I can't afterwards for a few weeks at least but possibly as long as 12-16 weeks which would take us right past all the shows....but I need to do it and no time like the present!

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