Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mower Man Junior

After owning a lawn service for over 20 years and working in the business even longer, it was probably a little hard for Scott to give up his mower but Motocross Boy/Man had been asking for a while now to be able to cut the grass.  But cutting with a commercial mower isn't quite the same as the 20 inch walk behinds that we all learned on in the 70's.  

But the boy figured it out quick and before long was putting stripes in the back yard.

 Even though his feet didn't quite touch the floor-boards!

He was all smiles.  Isn't it funny how learning to cut the grass is fun but actually doing it after a while becomes work.

I loved how serious he was!

Abby the Wonder Dog was having nothing to do with it though.  That thing looked dangerous with brother on it!  She would barely poke her head out her doggy door to watch!

Some final instructions from Dad and the new Mower Man Junior was ready to rock.

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