Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Happy Cry

A few weeks ago a couple of friends from the barn were doing their very first dressage show.  The younger of the two women had showed hunter/jumpers a bit when she was much younger but had only started riding again a couple months earlier.  The other one, like me, had been a horse show mom for many years but last year bought her own horse and had been working like crazy towards this goal.

I got called in by the trainer to be there for both moral support but also to do the photography and video.  She couldn't possibly do everything and both women were riding in the same classes nearly back to back.  I was happy to go - especially since it was one of the few perfectly beautiful days we had in June!

As it turned out, I caught a pretty amazing moment in time and it was semi-accidental.  Sandi had done well in her class and and her daughter had been there to support her and take pictures.  I was on video.  As she came out of the class, her daughter was walking up and asking why she was crying.  I'm not sure why I picked up my camera, but I did.  What follows is a pretty special moment between a mother and daughter that don't always speak the same language but that deep bond is there regardless.

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