Saturday, October 6, 2018


Kensington Road near the GM Proving Grounds has a huge hill.  When you are at the top, you can see a very, very long way away.  I took this picture one afternoon because the clouds were cool but high enough not to block out the distant view.  Too bad the electric wires get in the way...

Just a couple hours later it looked like this over my house.

And then it got even darker.  You could see the lightening high up in the clouds yet there was still that one little gap of clear sky.

The storm moved across the sky west to east which was odd and passed just north of me.  That little gap of clear sky had the setting sun turning the clouds to the east pink. It was fun to stand outside to watch this one as it rolled by.

The next morning brought a pretty cool sunrise over the Detroit River.  Now that my office is on the north side of the building, I don't get to see many of these.

This sunset at Kensington wasn't all that spectacular but it did turn the eastern sky into quite a beautiful site just a little while later as we walked around the lake.

And then we had this.

The colors were beautiful and the shapes of the clouds just emphasized it all.

As we came back around the lake, you could almost see how the setting sun on the right was reaching the clouds on the left - west to east.  Pretty cool.

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