Sunday, September 30, 2018

Helmet Awareness Month

Apparently the princess pony did not like her new pink boots very much.

I thought she looked rather spiffy!

But earlier this month she dumped me.  We had a disagreement and went our separate ways.  Unfortunately, it was while I was still on her back.  It was very much related to rider error although of course, she holds some of the blame as well.

I had a beautiful dismount that may have included a front flip to avoid a face plant.  I landed very briefly on my feet and then my butt.  Momentum sent me to my back.  Somewhere along the way, something hit my wrist, possibly the stirrup, and gave me a very big hematoma that turned into a very large and ugly bruise.  I was amazed that I was relatively "okay".  The tuck and roll thing kinda worked I guess.

This was a good example of why it's so important to wear your helmet every single ride.  I didn't land on my head, nor did I break my helmet.  My head hit after my butt was already on the ground.  I felt it hit.  It hurt.  It could have been much worse.

I had no idea I had this much dirt in my pants until I got home to shower.  I won't post the picture of the dirt that was caked inside my sports bra!  Very weird how I didn't even feel it....maybe I hit my head harder than I thought or was more concerned about my swelling wrist and what I thought was going to be a helluva bruise on my right butt cheek.

The most noticeable damage was this tiny cut on my nose from my sunglasses.  They must have jammed on my nose from my helmet hitting them.  This tiny cut turned into a pretty nice bruise that slid down he sides of my nose under my eyes.   (Taking a selfie of your nose makes you look rather cross eyed even though I tried to avoid this!)

Lesson learned - keep your butt in the saddle with your heels down and always, always wear your helmet.  And if you come out, tuck and roll.  Fast.  That and empty out your clothes after a fall before you get to your own bathroom. :)

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