Sunday, July 15, 2018

April 2018 Random

Continuing my catch up theme...

I didn't take this adorable picture but I just love it.  On the right is Maggie, who runs the barn where we board on her horse, Ritz, and her daughter on her pony, Puzzle.  

My mom and her grandkids at dinner one night.

Austin after a new haircut.

Watching Madison on Vince canter circles around me and Mata Hari who much prefers watching them to actually having to DO what they are doing!

It was Women's Night Out in Milford and my friend Anne Marie and I hit the town for some dinner and shopping.  Anne Marie is on the far left (we have been friends for 50 years!!) and we ran into the 3 older sisters of another friend of ours.  We had to do a quick selfie to send to the missing sister/friend!


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