Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Odd bits

I've been wanting to paint my kitchen cabinets white.  And then I remembered I had painted the door to the medicine cabinet in my bathroom white but ended up leaving it off.  It's really a white-white and a semi glass.  Same paint as the walls.  I wouldn't go quite that white.  And maybe even blue cabinets on the bottom....thoughts???

When my gym membership expired last spring I didn't renew it knowing I'd be moving too far to make it worth going there twice a week for my yoga classes.  Considering how hard I was working on the house and how busy I was, I didn't miss it all that much.  But now that the weather is getting colder and so many of my bigger projects (not counting the one above) are done, I logged on to my Amazon Prime account to see if they had any yoga videos.  They do!  So I have started doing yoga on the living room floor for now but did find another gym membership that allows me to take yoga classes starting in January!  YAY!!

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