Monday, December 26, 2016

Crack Chicken?

There's a recipe floating around the internet that everyone is calling "Crack Chicken" because its supposedly so darn good you can't stop eating it.  Given that its super simple and even easier with my new Instant Pot (okay, I might be a groupie now), I decided to give it a try.

Ingredients: Water, chicken, cream cheese, ranch dressing mix.  Toss it all in the Instant Pot and cook for something like 15 minutes. I chose to cook the bacon in the oven but I could have cooked it in the IP before or after.

After it's done, you take the chicken out to shred, then put it back in with the bacon and mix it all up.

That's it.  Put it on bread, rolls, crackers, tortillas, whatever I guess.  I had these Hawaiian rolls so that's what I did.

So it looks good and as I said, it's super simple.  But...not crack for me.  I liked it but maybe it was a little too "ranchy" and I'm not a super huge ranch person. I'm not sure but it wasn't something I'd ever crave but it would be something I'd consider making for a pot luck or other event that required a big quantity of food...

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