Thursday, July 6, 2017

Getting a little bit lost...

On June 24th Madison and I decided to go to Kensington Park to hike for a couple hours before their big fireworks display.  We loaded up the backpack with blankets and snacks and water bottles with plans to park ourselves on a peninsula jutting into the lake and then hike back to the car in the dark - with a flashlight!

We set off about 7:30 - it was actually a tad on the chilly side at about 65 degrees.

At some point we veered off the "beaten path" and started following the cross country ski trails which wound through some beautiful meadows.

And then we figured out we were a little bit lost. We knew where we were and where we had to go...we just didn't have a way to get there!  Madison decided we needed to go UP. Up this huge hill.  It got bigger as we cut around those trees to the left.

I was admittedly huffing and puffing when we got to the top.

And then I knew why when I saw this sign!  LOL!  It was a big snow sledding hill!

But that route did get us to where we wanted to be and we settled into our blankets to watch an amazing display of fireworks!

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