Monday, September 5, 2016

Sending my boy off into the world...

This blog was started not long after Austin was expelled from school at 10 years old.  Expelled.  Kicked out.  As in, "you can't come back here".  That's when we started homeschooling.  It was the best thing that could have happened to him although it sure didn't seem like it at the time!  It was also when I became a undying advocate for special education in our pubic schools.  Kids like mine should NEVER be expelled.  But I'll stay off that soapbox for a minute.

Austin was accepted to the Michigan Career and Technical Institute.  It's a program run by the state of Michigan to get disabled kids ready for a CAREER.  They want them to become productive citizens - tax payers instead of tax burdens.

First step was a bank account with a debit card. GULP.  Thank you University of Michigan Credit Union for making this easy on both of us.  Linked to my account so I can put only X amount in his debit account so it works like a pre-paid Visa.  No overspending!  Plus he has to talk to his momma once in a while to get me to put more money in it for him!

Next step registration  and getting his dorm room with his best buddy, Jim.

The rooms are pretty spartan and being boys, they probably won't do much decorating.  I'm hoping he made his bed.  He was really more interested in the GIANT spiders living outside the window.

Moved in - with mini fridge and microwave!

And a big ol' bathroom to be shared by 4 boys.  And kept clean by them. Uh oh. :)

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