Friday, June 11, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend show continued part 3

The last day of the show, Monday, came bright and early again with a 2 judge show.  Unfortunately, along with it came some storms that passed through.  We were lucky enough never to have classes during the worst of it but the winds were coming straight across the dusty practice arena and right into the barn where we were stalled.  My white t-shirt looked like I had rolled in the dirt after a bit.

The day was long but good with lots of 1st and 2nd placings with the best class being horsemanship.  We finished up about 9:30 with the last trail class but I was too tired to think about hauling that big ol' trailer home.  Instead we packed everything up but Stanley and his water/hay and hit the sack.  They told us so long as we were out by 6:00 a.m. we wouldn't be charged for the day so up and at 'em we were - even though we hadn't made it to bed until midnight....

The end.

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